Initial Release
No sign-in required.
Text Summarizer, especially for school and college students.
Easy to use.
Speak to record anything you want to summarize.
Attach or click any photo to read the text.
Type anything to make a summary and it's done.
Listen to the summary.
Summarize any news article, newspaper cutting or a novel page.
Take pic vertically.
Try to attach only text area.
Attractive UI.
Peluncuran pertama
Tidak ada tanda-in diperlukan.
Teks Summarizer, terutama untuk siswa sekolah dan perguruan tinggi.
Mudah digunakan.
Berbicara untuk merekam apa pun yang Anda ingin merangkum.
Melampirkan atau klik foto apapun untuk membaca teks.
Ketik apa pun untuk membuat ringkasan dan hal itu dilakukan.
Dengarkan ringkasan.
Meringkas setiap artikel berita, pemotongan koran atau halaman baru.
Ambil pic vertikal.
Mencoba untuk melampirkan hanya area teks.
UI yang menarik.
Initial Release
No sign-in required.
Text Summarizer, especially for school and college students.
Easy to use.
Speak to record anything you want to summarize.
Attach or click any photo to read the text.
Type anything to make a summary and it's done.
Listen to the summary.
Summarize any news article, newspaper cutting or a novel page.
Take pic vertically.
Try to attach only text area.
Attractive UI.